We’ve just updated our web site to use Blogger to manage our news pages. This is a big improvement over what we’d been doing for the past several months, which was managing — and we use the term loosely — a single news page by simply opening it in an editor and typing in our most recent news at the top. It took us a little while to integrate with our pre-existing custom php system, but it’s been worth it. Blogger lets us easily have individual pages for individual posts, links to previous posts, and groups posts by tags (or “labels,” as they’re called in Blogger). It also makes it easy to maintain atom and rss feeds. In coming up with our Blogger html template, we found “Publishing a Blog with Blogger – Visual QuickProject Guide” to be a most excellent reference, and we borrowed liberally from the Airbag Industries styles featured at 3point7designs.com earlier this year. Finally, we’ve taken the opportunity to clear out some past-tense entries.