This Saturday, April 17, 2010 is Record Store Day. The official site has a handy tool to help you find a participating store nearby. For the Chicago area, you’ll find rundowns of Record Store Day events and promotions at Gapers Block and the Chicago Reader.
Category: Chicago Reader
Record Store Day is April 18.
Record Store Day is April 18. Over at the Reader, Miles Raymer blogs a preview of “What’s in store for Record Store Day” this year.
Plastic Crimewave dot com
We added it to our links page when it was announced yesterday, but just wanted to help be sure the word gets out: Plastic Crimewave now has a homeplace on the Web, — and it’s definitely worth checking out. Blogging at the Reader, Philip Montoro observes parenthetically, “It must be very strange for him to work in a medium where he can’t draw and letter everything by hand.”